Thursday, September 23, 2010

Checking Things Off

Last night we took a break from working on the house. And we needed it! Instead, we ran some errands and hung out at my parents'. Nothing too exciting, but it was nice to relax a bit. I've gotten some random stuff done: ordered checks, house numbers, return address labels - things like that.

Yesterday the tuck pointing was completed. The masonry guy also removed this weird brick shelf that was in the middle of the fireplace facade. That was at the top of my to-do list - the positioning of it just bugged me for some reason. Not sure if it looks any better now, but hopefully some paint will do the trick. They will be back next Tuesday to fix the chimney and the stoop. Both need a fresh layer of brick and will be painted at some point.

Today the kitchen cabinet doors were returned. I like the blue, but they still need some touch-up work and the hardware to be added. Plus, the kitchen looks so bare without the appliances! Everything but the stove will be delivered on Monday, stove to come early October. It will all come together eventually! The painters were also going to go back and fix some things they missed and get started on the exterior.

The floor crew began installation today. Looking good so far! The original goal of finishing the job on Friday has already been pushed back to Saturday morning, so hopefully they'll stay on track to get it done. That moving truck is coming no matter what!

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