My parents, Kathy and Tootsie have been so helpful in the yard. This past weekend we did some damage on the to-do list. We have torn out eight trees and bushes in the front yard alone – not an easy task. The stump removal company is coming over to make sure we have all the roots out of the ground so these suckers won’t grow back.
We have one large pine tree in the front yard that we are keeping. A neighbor came over to introduce himself on Sunday morning and, while my mom and I exchanged niceties with his wife, he marched back over to his house to get some tools and come help out. How nice! He was extremely helpful and we are greatly
Now we just need to add some grass seed and try to get the lawn to look presentable. Other than that, the front yard is about done until spring comes and we can do some more planting.
The backyard is a different story! There was a lot of overgrowth, plus we have the ravine to worry about. Wanting to reclaim some of our yard, we started pulling, pruning and trimming. I didn’t even keep count of all the bushes and trees that we removed. My dad and I will be back at the house this week to keep the momentum going. Unfortunately my mom has to start coaching swim team this week, so she won’t be over as much from this point on. We’re getting there!
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